Last update to this page: GMT 22h 10-Apr-00. All hostnames starting with "www" changed into href links
New (GMT 15h 7-Apr-00): All blocked IP#s+URLS without hostnames were added in 4 extra pages. Now 100% of the 16-Mar-00 Cyber.not file is listed.
of mid March 2000
Cyber Patrol Highway
Emperor Nero (AD 15 - AD 68): http://www.roman-empire.net/emperors/nero-index.html
In 1997 Mattel wished to get virtual reality images of Roman scenery from the Rome Reborn project: http://www.aud.ucla.edu/~favro/rome-reborn/ , http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/rome-reborn/News/romeReborn.html (The scenery in the image is from a Rome Reborn image)
(The image of Nero appears to be by The Learrning Company, and it came from http://www.utexas.edu/courses/figura/.../nero2.jpg)
Cyber Patrol Block List Website Competition
* Number of block sites by country of owner's choice: ch:2, nz:1, au:1. |
(MAT) - Mattel to sell The Learning Company Fool.com: http://www.fool.com/news/2000/foolplate000204.html |
Cyber Patrol is a children's (and businessmen's) proxy that blocks web-browsing and access to Usenet.
This website lists the hostnames that the 16 March 2000 Cyber Patrol block list file, Cyber.not, did name, at least according to the program cphack.exe. This site displays all of the IP numbers named in the 16-Mar-00 Cyber Patrol cyber.not file. From pm 7-Apr-00, previously omitted IP numbers that did not have a hostname went online.
CYBER PATROL BLOCKING CATEGORIES Code Category ---- ----------------------------------- 0 Violence / Profanity 1 Partial Nudity 2 Full Nudity 3 Sexual Acts / Text x = categories 1 and 2 and 3 4 Gross Depictions / Text 5 Intolerance 6 Satanic or Cult 7 Drugs / Drug Culture 8 Militant / Extremist 9 Sex Education A Questionable / Illegal & Gambling B Alcohol & Tobacco C,D,E,F Reserved ---- -----------------------------------
IP numbers for which alias information existed but no blocking category information
A list of the IP numbers that are named in the aliases part of the CPHACK HTML-Report output, and that do not match up with any of the IP numbers blocked by either URL or IP number. Sites small enough to not have aliases and that ought be listed here could be omitted because the data was absent from the CPHACK HTML-Report output.
- { NSLookup failed
- [ four11ds275.sjc-colo.bbnplanet.com
- [ rc3.europe.yahoo.com
- [ rc4.europe.yahoo.com
- [ web.fns.matrix.com.br
- [ www2.yahoo.com
- [ www3.yahoo.com
- [ www9.yahoo.com
- [ www10.yahoo.com
- [ img1.yahoo.com
- { Can't HN->IP: unknown.yahoo.com
- [ img3.yahoo.com
- [ img4.yahoo.com
- [ img5.yahoo.com
- [ img6.yahoo.com
- [ img7.yahoo.com
- [ img8.yahoo.com
- [ w1.yahoo.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: jump.altavista.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: jump.altavista.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: jump.altavista.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: www.altavista.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: www.altavista.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: www.altavista.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: www.altavista.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: www.altavista.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: www.altavista.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: www.altavista.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: www.altavista.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: www.altavista.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: jump.altavista.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: jump.altavista.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: www.altavista.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: www.altavista.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: www.altavista.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: www.altavista.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: www.altavista.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: www.altavista.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: www.altavista.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: www.altavista.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: www.altavista.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: www.altavista.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: jump.altavista.com
- [ se1.search.com
- [ se2.search.com
- [ se3.search.com
- { NSLookup failed
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: sjc-www.sjc.lycos.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: sjc-www.sjc.lycos.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: sjc-www.sjc.lycos.com
- [ www.askjeeves.com
- { NSLookup failed
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: auto.search.msn.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: www.search.msn.com
- [ h-207-200-75-200.netscape.com
- { Can't HN->IP:
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: www.lycos.com
- { HN1->IP2,IP3: www.lycos.com # retested and was: HN1->IP1,IP2
- { HN1->IP2,IP3: www.lycos.com
- { HN1->IP2,IP3: www.lycos.com
- { HN1->IP2,IP3: www.lycos.com
- [ img1.dca.yahoo.com
- [ img2.dca.yahoo.com
- { NSLookup failed
- [ www1-redir.whowhere.com
- [ www2-redir.whowhere.com
- { HN1->IP1,IP2: www.hotbot.com
- { NSLookup failed
- [ img1.dcx.yahoo.com
- [ img3.dcx.yahoo.com
- [ img4.dcx.yahoo.com
- [ img5.dcx.yahoo.com
- [ a3.dcx.yahoo.com
- [ a4.dcx.yahoo.com
- [ d1.dcx.yahoo.com
- [ d2.dcx.yahoo.com
- [ d4.dcx.yahoo.com
- [ www-1.hotbot.com
- { NSLookup failed
Usenet Groups blocked by Cyber Patrol
Total newsgroup blocked and listed = 712 (CPHACK said 715)
Categories of Usenet Blocking5,6 : a.bsu.rel* x : abg.tes* 1,2 : abt.mam* x : acadia.bul* B : alc* 3,A : alt.23is* 0,3,A : alt.26* 1,2 : alt.3d.st* 0,7,A : alt.abort* 0,5,7,8,B : alt.abuse* A : alt.acc* 0,5,8 : alt.act* 0,3,6 : alt.ado* x : alt.adu* B : alt.alc* 4 : alt.alien.re* 0,7 : alt.alien.va* x : alt.als* 3,5,8,9,A : alt.alt* 0,x : alt.amaz* x : alt.america.on* x : alt.an.tri* 8 : alt.anar* x : alt.and* 3,5,6 : alt.ang* 0,6,A : alt.ano* 3 : alt.ans* 0,6 : alt.antic* 0,4,5,A : alt.any* 0,8,A : alt.aol-* 0 : alt.aol.ov* 0,A : alt.aol.rej* 1,2 : alt.art.bod* x : alt.arts.dar* 1,3 : alt.asi* x : alt.ass* 5,6 : alt.ast 3,6,7 : alt.ath* 0 : alt.aus.bon* 3 : alt.auth* 0,x : alt.autos.fer* x : alt.babe* 1 : alt.babs.bun* B : alt.bacc* 3 : alt.back* x : alt.bad* 0,x,4,5 : alt.bainaries.pic* x : alt.bare* 0 : alt.barney.dinosaur.di* 0,3 : alt.basement.gr* 0,x : alt.bbs* 3 : alt.bbs.list* 0,A : alt.bbs.ren* 0 : alt.bbs.waf* 0,B : alt.bee* 0,5 : alt.best.of.in* 0,3 : alt.big* x : alt.binaires.pic* x : alt.binairies.pic* x : alt.binaries.3d.pos* 0,5,8 : alt.binaries.act* x : alt.binaries.ado* x : alt.binaries.ann* x : alt.binaries.bas* x : alt.binaries.bat* 0 : alt.binaries.bbs* 1,2 : alt.binaries.beat* 1,2 : alt.binaries.cal* x : alt.binaries.cel* 0 : alt.binaries.com* A : alt.binaries.cra x : alt.binaries.dom* 1 : alt.binaries.dre* 0,x : alt.binaries.ero* x : alt.binaries.fas* 0,x : alt.binaries.fet* 1,4,5,6,7 : alt.binaries.fit* 1 : alt.binaries.ful* 1 : alt.binaries.fz* 1,2 : alt.binaries.games.vga* 0,x : alt.binaries.gr* x : alt.binaries.hen* x : alt.binaries.her* 0 : alt.binaries.how* x : alt.binaries.ima* x : alt.binaries.jac* 1 : alt.binaries.lar* 1,3 : alt.binaries.lin* x : alt.binaries.mis* x : alt.binaries.moderated.pin* x : alt.binaries.movies.ero* 3 : alt.binaries.multimedia.bo* x : alt.binaries.multimedia.ca* x : alt.binaries.multimedia.co* 0,3,B : alt.binaries.multimedia.er* x : alt.binaries.multimedia.nat* x : alt.binaries.multimedia.nud* 1 : alt.binaries.multimedia.rep* 1 : alt.binaries.multimedia.sha* x : alt.binaries.nat* x : alt.binaries.nos* 1,2 : alt.binaries.nud* x : alt.binaries.par* x : alt.binaries.pen* 3 : alt.binaries.pho* 0,x,4,5 : alt.binaries.pic* x : alt.binaries.pla* x : alt.binaries.reb* 2 : alt.binaries.scan* 1 : alt.binaries.sop* 0,x,4 : alt.binaries.sounds.er* x : alt.binaries.startrek.adu* 3 : alt.binaries.stories.sex* x : alt.binaries.strip* x : alt.binaries.swn* x : alt.binaries.tif* x : alt.binaries.tran* 1 : alt.binaries.tv.sha* x : alt.binaries.ver* A : alt.binaries.wa* 1 : alt.binaries.webcam.bab* x : alt.binaries.wif* A : alt.bio.hack* 5,8 : alt.bio.min* 2,3 : alt.bitch* 0,5,7 : alt.blas* 0 : alt.bogus* x : alt.bond* 0,2,3 : alt.bonehead.andy* 0,x : alt.bonehead.clos* 3 : alt.bonehead.head* 7 : alt.books.phil-k-di* 1,2,A : alt.bork* 3 : alt.business.acc* A : alt.business.mult* 0,2,3 : alt.butt* A : alt.cable* 3 : alt.canadian.bea* A : alt.cas* 1,2 : alt.celeb* 0,x,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B : alt.cen* 0 : alt.cha* 3 : alt.char* 0,3 : alt.christnet.mot* 1,2 : alt.christnet.nud* 0,3 : alt.christnet.se* 1 : alt.clothing.ling* x,4,A : alt.colleg* A : alt.comp.v* x,6 : alt.consc* 5,8 : alt.consp* A : alt.crac* 7 : alt.crim* 5,6,7,8 : alt.cult.m* 5,6,7,8 : alt.cult.n* 0 : alt.culture.arg* x : alt.culture.bea* x : alt.culture.jam* A : alt.culture.jol* A : alt.culture.us.19* 0,x,4,A : alt.cyber* 3 : alt.dat* x : alt.dea* 0 : alt.dep* 0,8 : alt.dest* 6 : alt.devi* 3 : alt.digitiser.spo* 3 : alt.doo* 3 : alt.dreams.sex* 0,3,5,7 : alt.drug* x : alt.drun* A : alt.engr.exp* 0 : alt.ens* 0,3 : alt.eun* 0,5,6 : alt.evi* 0,8,A : alt.exp* 3 : alt.ezin* x : alt.fan.air* 3 : alt.fan.art* x : alt.fan.ash* 3 : alt.fan.asi* 3 : alt.fan.britn* 0,3 : alt.fan.cam* 3 : alt.fan.car* 3 : alt.fan.chr* 0,x : alt.fan.coc* 0,x : alt.fan.cult* 3 : alt.fan.dan* 0 : alt.fan.dic* 0,3,4,5 : alt.fan.dir* 3 : alt.fan.don* 1,2 : alt.fan.dra* 3 : alt.fan.edd* 3 : alt.fan.fuc* x : alt.fan.funk* 3 : alt.fan.gin* 0 : alt.fan.how* x : alt.fan.jen* 1,2 : alt.fan.juliet* 0,6 : alt.fan.kia* 3 : alt.fan.lis* 3 : alt.fan.lov* x : alt.fan.nak* 0 : alt.fan.oj* 3 : alt.fan.oks* 2,4 : alt.fan.pam* 1,2 : alt.fan.pat* 1,2 : alt.fan.pho* x : alt.fan.porn* 0,x,4,A : alt.fan.pre* 1 : alt.fan.sam* 1,2 : alt.fan.san* 6 : alt.fan.sat* 3 : alt.fan.sex* 3 : alt.fan.sod* x : alt.fan.spi* 3 : alt.fan.sun* x : alt.fan.tele* 3 : alt.fan.tere* x : alt.fan.ton* 1,2 : alt.fan.tra* 0 : alt.fan.tre* x : alt.fan.tri* A : alt.fan.uni* 3 : alt.fan.utb* 3 : alt.fan.vic* 3 : alt.fan.vor* 0,3 : alt.fax.bon* 0,3 : alt.fee* 0,5 : alt.fem* x : alt.fet* 0,4,8 : alt.fla* 0,3,4 : alt.fon* B : alt.food.wi* 0,3 : alt.for* 3 : alt.franco.s* x : alt.francos* 0,4,5 : alt.frea* 0 : alt.fuc* 4 : alt.fud* 0,A : alt.fun* 0,5,A : alt.gamb* x : alt.gayteen.per* 2,3 : alt.geek* 0,3 : alt.gir* 0,6 : alt.gothic.ann* 0,8 : alt.government.ab* 0,6,A : alt.graf* 0,6,A : alt.grap* 0,x : alt.great.as* 0,A : alt.hack* 0,B : alt.hang* x : alt.hard* 7 : alt.hash* 3 : alt.hawk.suc* 0,3,7 : alt.hemp* 3 : alt.hen* 0,A : alt.hi.a* 0,3 : alt.homo* 6 : alt.horr* 3 : alt.i.wan* 0,3 : alt.infer* 0,3,A : alt.insul* x : alt.internet.ser* x : alt.irc.bit* x : alt.irc.hot* 0,A : alt.irc.und* 0,x : alt.japanese.neo* 5 : alt.journalism* 0,3,5 : alt.journalism.gay* 3 : alt.kaa* B : alt.keg* 0,4,8 : alt.kill* 0,5 : alt.lam* 9 : alt.las.veg* 0,3 : alt.les* 0,5,A : alt.letter.cha* 0,6 : alt.life.suc* 3 : alt.lifestyle.mas* A : alt.lock* A : alt.lott* x : alt.love* 3 : alt.mag.pen* 3 : alt.mag.pla* x : alt.magazine.pla* 0,x,4 : alt.magazines.por* x : alt.magick* 0,5,A : alt.mak* 0,3 : alt.man* x : alt.mast* 3 : alt.me.so.hor* 3 : alt.med.cur* 0,3 : alt.men* 0,4,5 : alt.mock* 3 : alt.model* 0,3 : alt.mots* 0 : alt.movies.sis* 0,3 : alt.mud.sex x : alt.mult* 0 : alt.music.alan* 0,3 : alt.music.hard* x,A : alt.music.rock* x : alt.my.dic* x : alt.naug* 3 : alt.news.b* 0,x,4,A : alt.no-advertising.files.ima* 0,x : alt.nud* 4 : alt.nuk* 0,A : alt.nv.per* 0 : alt.oh.shi* x : alt.oyp.swo* 0 : alt.ozdebate.jok* x : alt.paed* 3 : alt.pan* 6 : alt.paranormal.sp* 0,x : alt.party* 0,x,4,A : alt.pedo* x : alt.peng* 3 : alt.penthouse.sex* 0,x,4,A : alt.pers* A : alt.phr* x : alt.pict* 0 : alt.piss* 0,3 : alt.politics.hom* 0,8 : alt.politics.nat* 0,3 : alt.politics.sex* 0,8 : alt.politics.wh* 0,3 : alt.polya* x : alt.por* 3 : alt.pro-wrestling.wwf* 7 : alt.psy* 0 : alt.punk* 8,A : alt.radio.pir* A : alt.radio.scan* 0 : alt.raff* 5 : alt.rap* 0,A : alt.rav* 0,7,B : alt.rec* 6 : alt.religion.asat* 0,3 : alt.religion.sex* 0,8 : alt.rev* 5 : alt.rock-n-roll.hard* x,5,6 : alt.rock-n-roll.meta* 0,3 : alt.rom* x : alt.ros* 3,4 : alt.sad* 0,3 : alt.safe.se* 0,6 : alt.satan* 0,8,A : alt.security.terr* 0,3 : alt.sed* 0,3,4 : alt.sex* 3 : alt.shoe.les* 3 : alt.sig* 0,5 : alt.skinh* 3 : alt.sl9* B : alt.smo* 0,3 : alt.society.und* 0 : alt.spam* 0,3 : alt.spat* 0 : alt.sport.lla* x : alt.startrek.creative.ero* 0,3 : alt.stories.ero* 0,A : alt.sui* 3 : alt.support.joc* 3 : alt.support.vas* 3 : alt.swi* 3 : alt.syl* 0,x : alt.talk.best* 0,x,4,A : alt.talk.zoo* 0,x,4,5 : alt.tas* 0,8 : alt.teens* B : alt.teq* 0,6 : alt.thr* 0,3,6 : alt.tor* 0,x,4 : alt.transg* 0 : alt.tv.bev* 0 : alt.tv.dinosaurs.b* 0 : alt.tv.homi* 3 : alt.tv.sou* 0,3 : alt.tv.tin* 3 : alt.uk.men* 3 : alt.uk.wom* 6 : alt.vamp* 3 : alt.vegas.per* 3 : alt.video.ptv* 0,8 : alt.vig* 0,3 : alt.wan* A : alt.war* 3 : alt.webcam.cam* 3 : alt.webcam.gay* 0 : alt.wesl* x : alt.wild.sex* 5 : alt.women* 3 : atl.sin* 0,3 : aus.culture.les* 0,5 : aus.fla* 0 : aus.jok* 0 : aus.mot* 0,2,4 : aus.per* 0,x : aus.sex* 0 : austin.fla* 0,3 : ba.mots* 0,3 : bit.lis* 0 : bln.politik.ras* x : can.camm* 0,3 : can.mot* 0,8 : can.talk.gun* A : can.talk.smo* x : chi.per* 0 : chinese.fla* 8 : cl.atom.all* 3 : cl.freie_* 3,A : cl.kon* 0,3 : cl.sozial* A : comp.hack* 3 : comp.sex* 3 : cunt.gen* 0,3 : cz.list* 0,x,4,A : dc.ped* 0,3 : dc.rom* 3 : dc.sex* 0,x : de.alt.binaries.pic* x : de.alt.dateien.wei* 0 : de.alt.fan.plu* 0 : de.alt.fan.war* 0 : de.alt.fla* 0,3 : de.alt.gbl* 3 : de.alt.talk.s-e* 0,x : de.alt.talk.sex* A : de.sci.che* 3 : de.soc.kon* 5 : de.soc.weltanschauung.chr* 8 : de.talk.biz* 3 : de.talk.jok* 0,3 : de.talk.rom* 0,3,4 : de.talk.se* 0,3 : demon.sec* 0 : dfw.fla* 0,3 : dfw.per* 8 : dfw.pol* 3 : dfw.sin* 3 : dk.binaer.ero* 0,5 : es.alt.chi* 0,3 : es.alt.sex* 5 : es.cha* 0 : es.comp.info* 0 : es.comp.leng* 0 : es.comp.sup* 0 : es.misc* 0 : es.news.ad* 0 : es.news.gr* 0 : es.rec.dep* 0,3,4 : eunet.jo* 3 : fido.ger.btx* A : fido.ger.ccc* 0,3 : fido.ger.fan* 0,3 : fido.ger.ga* 3 : fido.ger.kon* 6 : fido.ger.mag* 0,x : fido.ger.se* 0,x : fido.sex-ge* x : fido7.anitsex* 0 : fido7.crack* 0 : fido7.crazy* 0 : fido7.dru* 0 : fido7.fan* A : fido7.hac* 3 : fido7.hum* 0 : fido7.mo.bee* A : fido7.phre* 0,x : fido7.ru* 0,x : fido7.ru-se* B : fido7.ru.bee* x : fido7.russ* 0,x : fido7.sex* 0 : fido7.sui* A : fido7.wea* 0,B : finet.harrastus.olu* 0,x : finet.se* 0,x : fiod7.other.rus* 0,x : fiod7.ru.sex* A : fj.binaries.mac* A : fj.lif.mon* 3 : fj.net-peo* 3 : fj.per* B : fj.rec.drink.liq* B : fj.rec.foo* A : fj.rec.gam* 3,A : fj.rec.smo* B : fj.rec.win* 0,3 : fj.soc.culture.chi* 3 : fj.soc.men* 3,A : fj.soc.smo* 0,8 : fl.for* 0,8 : fl.gen* 3 : fl.tra* B : fr.rec.cui* 3 : fr.rec.div* 0,3,5 : fr.rec.jeu* 0 : fr.rec.mus* 3 : fr.rec.sport.foo* 5 : fr.soc.div* B : francom.cie* 0 : francom.ech* 0 : francom.lhl* 0 : francom.med* 0 : francom.ms* x : francom.sex* 0,3,4,5 : gay-net* 3 : gnu.emacs.sex* 3 : hetnet.bestanden.pla* 3 : hetnet.tekst.sex* 3 : hk.talk.sex* 0,5 : houston.gen* 3 : houston.per* 0 : houston.pol* 3 : houston.sin* 0,3 : ia.talk.mis* 3 : israel.ads* 0,3,5 : israel.list* x : it.binari.x.erot* 0,3 : ithical.per* 3 : japan.bin* 0 : kiel.fla* 0,3 : la.per* 0 : la.tes* 0,3 : law.cou* 3 : maus.talk.eng* 0,3 : md.per* 3 : mex.rec.chi* 8 : misc.act* 0,3 : misc.hea* 0 : mtl.gen* 0,3 : muc.list* 0,3 : ne.mot* 3,5 : ne.sin* 0,3 : ne.social-m* x : net.sex* 0 : new.admin.cen* 3 : neworleans.inf* 0,x,4,A : news.admin.ped* x : news.fet* 5 : news.gro* 0,x,4,A : news.ped* 0 : nh.gen* 0,3 : niagara.per* 0 : nj.misc* 3 : nj.sex* x : nl.erot* 0,x : nlnet.ann* B : no.alk* 3 : no.alt.con* 0 : no.alt.dis* 3 : no.news.dri* 0 : nordunet.tal* 3 : nv.bi* 0 : nv.for* 0,3 : nv.mot* 0,3 : nv.per* 0,3 : nv.sin* 0 : ny.wan* 0 : nyc.an* 0,x,4,A : nyc.ped* 3 : nyc.per* 3 : nyc.sex* 0,3 : nyc.sin* 3 : nz.gen* 0 : nz.net.an* 3 : nz.rec* 3 : nz.soc* 0,8 : ok.gen* 0,A : ok.tulsa.gen* 0 : on-line.air* 0,8 : ont.get* 0,3 : ont.sin* 0,3 : ont.whi* 0,7 : or.gen* 8 : or.pol* 0,5 : ott.gen* 3 : ott.per* 0,3 : ott.sin* 0,3 : pa.mot* 0,3,7 : pa.ne.gen* 8 : pdx.gen* 0,3 : pdx.sin* 3,7 : pgh.fre* 0,3 : pgh.mot* 3 : pgh.sin* 3 : pl.soc.sek* 3 : plh.sin* 0 : pnet.talk.pol* 0,3 : pnw.mot* 7 : pnw.news* 3 : pnw.per* 0 : princeton.gen* 3 : pt.int* 7 : pt.pol* 0 : qc.gen* 0 : rec.arts.bod* 0,x : rec.arts.ero* 0,x : rec.arts.movies.er* B : rec.crafts.bre* B : rec.crafts.win* 0,7,B : rec.dru* B : rec.food.drink.be* 0,5,A : rec.gam* 0,8 : rec.gun* 0,3,4,5 : rec.hum* 0,8 : rec.hun* 0 : rec.mart* 0,x : rec.nud* x : rec.sex* 3 : rec.video.dvd.mar* 0,3 : relcom.fido.fl* A : relcom.fido.ru.hac* B : saar.rec.kin* 3 : saar.soc.sin* B : sachsnet.hobby.kin* 0,3 : sacramento.mot* x : sat.per* 0,3 : sdnet.mot* 0,3 : sdnet.per* 3 : sdnet.sin* x : sex* 0,3 : shamash.gay* 3 : si.rec.hum* 3 : slo.per* 0,3 : slo.sex* 0,3 : soc.bi* 0,x,4,A : soc.culture.ped* 0,3 : soc.fem* 0,3 : soc.mot* 0,3 : soc.sex* 0,3 : soc.sin* 0,3 : soc.sub* 0,5 : soc.support.d* 0,5 : soc.support.f* 0,5 : soc.support.l* 0,5 : soc.support.p* 0,5 : soc.support.t* 0,3 : soc.women.les* 0,3 : su.gay* 0 : t-netz.dro* 0 : t-netz.ges* 0 : t-netz.jok* 0 : t-netz.mep* 0 : t-netz.par* 3 : t-netz.rom* 3 : t-netz.sex* 0 : t-netz.ver* 3 : talk.abo* 0,5 : talk.eut* 0,x,4,A : talk.ped* 7 : talk.politics.dr* 0,8 : talk.politics.gu* 3 : talk.rap* 0,3 : talk.rum* 4 : tamu.fla* B : tnn.foods.liq* 0,3 : triangle.mot* 0,3 : triangle.per* 3 : triangle.sin* 0,8 : tw.bbs.rec.wea* B : tw.bbs.rec.win* 0,3 : tw.bbs.sci.se* 3 : tw.bbs.talk.lad* 3 : tw.bbs.talk.lov* 3 : tw.bbs.talk.men* 4 : tx.evol* 0,8 : tx.gun* 0,3 : uc.mot* 0,3 : ucb.erot* 3 : ucb.org.films* 0,3 : ucd.q-new* 0,3 : uchi.mot* 0 : ufra.fla* 0 : ufra.incubus.fla* B : uiuc.org.home* 0,3 : uiuc.soc.bi* 0,3 : uiuc.soc.com* 0,3 : uiuc.soc.gay* 0,3 : uk.gay* 0,7 : uk.music.rav* 3 : uk.people.bds* 3 : uk.people.bod* 5 : uk.people.goth* 7 : uk.politics.dru* x : uk.rec.comp* 1,2 : uk.rec.nat* x : uk.sin* 0 : ut.fla* 0,x,4,5 : uw.alt.sex* 0,3 : uw.gll* 0,3 : vegas.bi* x : vegas.gen* 0,3 : vegas.mot* x : vegas.per* 0,3 : vegas.sen* 2,4 : wi.gen* 5 : wpg.pol* 7 : z-netz.alt.dro* x : z-netz.alt.ero* 0 : z-netz.alt.part* 3 : z-netz.alt.sex* 5 : z-netz.alt.vers* x : z-netz.datenschutz.spi* 5 : z-netz.forum.rel* 3 : z-netz.freizeit.sf* 7 : z-netz.gesundheit.dro* 3 : z-netz.miteinander.kon* 5 : za.hum*
Blocking of IP numbers and URLs by Cyber Patrol
This information was derived from a Cyber Patrol HTTP & Usenet blocking proxy.
Package Name: cp_setup.exe, size 1,300,690 bytes.
Date Downloaded: GMT 16 Mar 2000
The size of the cyber.not file was 634,015 bytes.
Total number of IP numbers in the 16 March 2000 cyber.not file = 64,523
After eliminating those for which there was no hostname:
Total sites blocked by IP number that are listed at this site = 31,800
Total URLs blocked that are listed at this site = 8,916
Total IP numbers listed at this site = 40,716
(For 23,807 (=64523-40716), no hostname was found)
The IP numbers not listed at this site are the IP numbers that would not map onto hostnames.
Errors of +/-0.6% are possible.
URL path information is missing from the lists at this website (except for the number of subdirectories). Both CPHACK and CNDECODE.C did no reconstruct enough URLs, and further, the URLs that would have been reconstructed would not have been perfectly correct (trustable).The data was rechecked on GMT 2-Apr-00. No significant error was found in the data that was listed on the site. A total of 79 IP numbers were identified and are now listed above. The IP number of "www.x-fetish.de" had been omitted by accident (since, when Cygwin B20 sort|uniq is done, about 1 in 6,000 to 1 in 20,000 lines are joined together due to a bug.
The total number of IP numbers blocked by URL with the categories being given, is 11,553. The number of IP numbers blocked by IP number with the categories given, is 52,891. There was zero overlapping of the 11,523 and 52,891 (the figure is not reduced by the DNS lookup failures). The total number of IP numbers blocked by URL or by IP number, was 64,444. The difference is 79 (64,523-64,444). Those 79 IP numbers are listed above (IP numbers without hostnames are included).
CYBER PATROL BLOCKING CATEGORIES Code Category ---- ----------------------------------- 0 Violence / Profanity 1 Partial Nudity 2 Full Nudity 3 Sexual Acts / Text x = categories 1 and 2 and 3 4 Gross Depictions / Text 5 Intolerance 6 Satanic or Cult 7 Drugs / Drug Culture 8 Militant / Extremist 9 Sex Education A Questionable / Illegal & Gambling B Alcohol & Tobacco C,D,E,F Reserved ---- -----------------------------------
Codes Used in The Other Cyber Patrol Pages at this Website
/ = Entire website blocked by IP number
(e.g. "x/" means the IP number is blocked under all of categories 1,2, and 3);
// = A subdirectory in the root directory is blocked. (E.g. A// can mean http://www.a.com/b/* is blocked under category A);
/// = A subdirectory in a subdirectory in the root directory is blocked. (E.g. http://www.a.com/b/c/*);
a = The 'Category' information was stored in the cyber.not file as an alias (a copy of blocking for another IP number or URL).
- Links to other websites that have followed the issues of the Microsystems problems (an incomplete list):
- http://www.theregister.co.uk/
- http://www.wired.com/news/politics/
- http://www.politechbot.com/
- http://www.peacefire.org/
- CNN, Zdnet, others.
- Censoring a child's webbrowsing may be an interfere with the child's rights as set out in Article 13 of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRCh): http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/k2crc.htm
- The U.N. uses the word "information" in: (a) Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR, http://www.unhchr.ch/udhr/index.htm), and (b) Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR, http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/a_ccpr.htm, UN ratification info: http://www.un.org/Depts/Treaty/final/ts2/newfiles/part_boo/iv_boo/iv_4.html), and also in (c) Article 13 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The word "information" is a word with a meaning defined in law courts. An instance of information is precisely the information that blocking proxies block. Nations are free to specify exemptions to the right to receive imparted information, when signing the U.N. instruments of human rights; and they seem to not to do that. For example, the UAE, which has a populace that is centrally censored, did not specify an limitation on Article 13 CRCh rights of children. It may be going too far to suggest that government lawyers and parliaments (etc.) wanted parents to act in a disorganised spirit of national disobedience.
- Two sites with information on client browsing blocking proxies: http://www.peacefire.org/ , http://www.censorware.org/.
- Updated: IP numbers that did not have a hostname now appear on separate webpages. There were about 23,728 IP numbers having no hostname.
- Complaining & the Lists: Mattel and Microsystems, http://www.cyberpatrol.com/ might unblock websites on request. Their response to unblocking websites might be unsatisfactory. Please don't rely on hostnames listed, The Cyber.not file is entirely (or almost entirely) without hostnames. If one IP number is listed beside a single "/" (e.g. "x/"), then all websites at that IP number would be expected to be blocked. There is a small chance that some of the blocking said to be by URL is actually by hostname, but that is only speculation (CPHACK has a bug vs. Cyber Patrol well designed). URLs are stored in a truncated form, so a Cyber Patrol URL might match more than one real URL (and more again, if it catches multiple sites on a single IP number, but less if the site shifted in the last year or two).
If planning on e-mailing sites to tell them that they seem to be blocked, it might be similar in effect to be apathetic about informing 'adult' websites. Sites on alcohol and violence, and law, and censoring, and rights and so on, are quite possibly going to be more seriously interested in hearing that their website (or a nearby one), was blocked.
- All information listed at this website is placed by the author into the public domain. No rights either subsist or are retained, by Craig Carey. This public domain licence extends to cover all of the hidden 'Boolean vector' or 'mathematical set' information that Cyber Patrol's Microsystems fashioned. (Mirror sites, if any, can be submitted rapidly using the author's Multithreaded Add-URL Javascript program: http://www.ijs.co.nz/submit/submit.htm.) (If mirroring the site, please delete/alter the eXTReMe-counter HTML. Any of these comments can be deleted.)
- The results were not checked by the author against an installed Cyber Patrol proxy program. No checking of the accuracy of CPHACK (from which the site's data was derived) was done. CPHACK did seem like a quite trustable program. Microsystems did go to some trouble to obtain the program. But it is probable that Microsystems had a partial aim of stopping final end-users from using CPHACK to print out the password.
- Deja News (http://www.deja.com/) seems to be wrongly blocked. It is about completely blocked by Cyber Patrol (refer to page 7). Part of the Deja News website is blocked by IP number (not URL) under codes 1 and 2 (i.e. nudity). Other Deja News IP numbers are not blocked under categories 1 and 2. This is an inconsistency, and it might indicate carelessness. The blocking of DejaNews has been reported in the online news media in the past. Microsystems' censors (or committees) are apparently inconsistent in classifying websites under the nudity categories [or else have trouble getting correctly classified, big sites].
- Missing references: the sources of the information that were used by Mattel when creating the Cyber.not file, don't seem to be quoted.
- The data listed at this site was prepared using the cphack.exe program; Plookup, an IP number to hostname converter (http://www.ijs.co.nz/code/), ActiveState Perl (build 522) (quality regexp), ... and the Cygwin textutils (http://sourceware.cygnus.com/cygwin/, e.g. join, egrep or grep, sort, cat, head, etc.. Also NoteTab of http://www.notetab.com/ was used). Here are a few steps that occurred in the processing of the data:
- perl <cpcesf+ali.txt -pwe "s/^([^ ]*).*?$/$1/" |sort|uniq >$.txt
- cat cpcesf+ali-IP.txt cp-es-n2-i-IP.txt cp-es-n2-i-IP.txt |sort|uniq -c|sort >cpes-ali-2n2i.txt
- uniq -d cpcesf+ali-IP.txt
- teew plookup -a -n2 -f $.txt >$-n2.txt (followed by:)
teew plookup -a -i -f $-n2.txt >$-n2-i.txt- egrep "NSLookup failed|not found" $-n2-i.txt >$.txt
- join -1 1 -2 1 ..\bestyet-n2-i.txt cpcesf+ali.txt >final-es.txt
- perl -pwe "s/^([^ ]*).*$/$1/" <best-n2-i.txt |sort|uniq >best-IP.txt
- # convert block codes to comma separated category numbers
- perl -pwe <n "s#^(..)(.)#$1.':'.(($s=hex $2)%%2?'0':'').(int($s/2)%%2?'1':'').(int($s/4)%%2?'2':'').(int($s/8)%%2?'3':'')#e" >m
- perl -wpe <%1 "s/^(\d\..*)$/0$1/" >a2.txt (alter to, etc)
perl -wpe <a2.txt "s/^(\d\d\..*)$/0$1/" >a3.txt
perl -wpe <a3.txt "s/^(\d\d\d)\.(\d\..*)$/$1.0$2/" >a4.txt
perl -wpe <a4.txt "s/^(\d\d\d)\.(\d\d\..*)$/$1.0$2/" >a5.txt
perl -wpe <a5.txt "s/^(\d\d\d\.\d\d\d)\.(\d\..*)$/$1.0$2/" >a6.txt
perl -wpe <a6.txt "s/^(\d\d\d\.\d\d\d)\.(\d\d\..*)$/$1.0$2/" >a7.txt
perl -wpe <a7.txt "s/^(\d\d\d\.\d\d\d\.\d\d\d)\.(\d(?=\D).*)$/$1.0$2/" >a8.txt
perl -wpe <a8.txt "s/^(\d\d\d\.\d\d\d\.\d\d\d)\.(\d\d(?=\D).*)$/$1.0$2/" >a9.txt- The webmaster has a minor Cyber Patrol page here: http://www.ijs.co.nz/cyberpatrol.htm That page currently lists legal documents on Cyber Patrol and some texts copied from PoliTechBot.
* Maybe sites like this should be in a subdirectory since Cyber Patrol seems to have a bad design limitation requiring them to block maybe thousands? of port5.com websites just to block this single website. It is awkward to imagine the software is that defective, but no information to the contrary has been discovered by the webmaster. Portland.co.uk could always assign this site its own IP number.
- Note that the information here is not comparative, so corporate managers and fathers needing a programmable "not allowed" program need not, or ought not, be biased against the software of The Mattel Learning Company, simply on account of this webpage (unless perhaps, they find it blocks URLs that a product from a competitor probably would not).
Webmasters of adult websites ought be able to find that the pages here imply a need to produce better websites..
Snooz Metasearch, a Javascript metasearch page: http://www.ijs.co.nz/info/snooz.htm
Our Cyber Patrol quality online blocking experience Australian Consumer Purchases of Cyber Patrol Internet Filtering Software Triple New Australian Law On Internet Filtering Increases Consumer Awareness 18 January 2000 FRAMINGHAM, MASS. Cyber Patrol, maker of the world’s most widely-used Internet
filtering software, today announced that sales to consumer and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in Australia have
tripled since passage of a new law requiring ISPs to offer filters to protect children online.... “Regardless of changes
in the law, most ISPs are on the lookout for ways
to make their customers’ online experiences better,” added Ms. Getgood, “So they turn to the most respected
product on the market with the best filtering lists.” The intimacy of the public with the lists could present an increased risk of a loss in a court
dispute on damages and compensation for firing employees. Here is some reporting and employee monitoring software
that is available for Cyber Patrol: http://www.telemate.net/mp/cyberpatrol/.
It might occur that bypassing would happen, e.g. hypothetically over TCP (or TCP thunked into UDP) with long lasting
multiplexed HTTP connections (between a pair of proxies), buried in logged background HTTP requests that resemble
legitimate webbrowsing.
Cyber |
With a Cyber Patrol blocking proxy, indulgences of others may be curtailed by just ticking checkboxes. |
Patrol |